How to Tell if a Snake is Poisonous based on Looks, Sounds and More

How to Tell if a Snake is Poisonous based on Looks, Sounds and More

As many as 600 different species of snakes are known to exist, and they are found on most continents. Whereas 80% of snake species are not venomous, many individuals nonetheless experience dread when they see or hear about snakes. One of the causes is that they are unable to distinguish between harmless and poisonous snakes. Venomous snakes can be harmful, if not fatal, and for good cause. So yeusnaker wants to give you how to tell if a snake is poisonous just in case.

How to tell if a snake is poisonous

1. Snake eyes

How to tell if a snake is poisonous is to look into its eyes. If a snake is venomous, its pupil will be elliptical like a cat’s eye, a crocodile’s eye, or spherical like a human eye. If the snake is not deadly, it will have one of these shapes.

However, there are exceptions, when the pupils of some venomous snakes such as Black mamba (Africa), King cobra (Middle East, Asia, Africa), and Inland taipan (Australia) are round.

Additionally, some snakes can alter the shape of their pupils in response to danger or not, despite the fact that they are not deadly. Therefore, if a snake appears to have round eyes, do not rush to approach it. Don’t forget to look at the additional features.

2. Snake nose

There will be a tiny opening between a venomous snake’s eyes and nostrils. They can find their prey because the hole can detect heat. Don’t approach any closer if you can’t see these from where you are standing safely. Up to two thirds of the length of a snake in coils can be attacked. This is also How to tell if a snake is poisonous but you will hardly see because these holes are very small and dangerous so you should not go near it.

How to tell if a snake is poisonous

3. Snake head

Many snakes have naturally tapered and triangular heads, even some that are non-venomous. Snakes that can sting must carry sacks of venom, which gives their heads muscle. Additionally, a lot of these poisonous snakes will have a slender neck in front of the head.

The heads of all deadly snakes, including those from the spear snakes, iron snakes, vipers, and scorpions, are triangular in shape. But there are also some extremely hazardous snakes, including the heads of kraits, scorpions, and sea snakes, which resemble non-venomous snakes in practically every way.

4. Colors and textures on snake skin

In order to scare off potential predators, venomous snakes frequently have vivid colors and can make characteristic hissing noises (such as the rattlesnake sound, for instance). In addition, snakes that have three or more colors or diamond patterns on their skin are more likely to be venomous.

This is also how to tell if a snake is poisonous, which is probably a good way since you can easily see it from a distance. This, nonetheless, is only a relative approach because some snakes, while not toxic, have the capacity to “dress up” as incredibly venomous snakes in order to trick the adversary.

How to tell if a snake is poisonous by tail

5. Snake tail

A poisonous snake is one whose tail rattles. Even in non-venomous snake species, waving the tail is a rather typical defensive behavior. They may also vibrate sometimes if they are near leaves or dry grass. You will be able to identify a rattlesnake when you hear it, we assure you of that. A raspy, hollow sound emanates from its rattle.

While non-poisonous snakes have a line dividing them into two alternating columns of scales, venomous snakes typically have their tail scales arranged in distinct rows.

6. Snake Sounds

People frequently assume that snakes only hiss and rattle, yet in reality they can surprise us in unexpected ways. Depending on the species, they can growl in a variety of pitches, some even shriek and fart. When trapped, some snakes force air out of vents in their backs, producing a lot of popping noises, commonly referred to as flatulence. The sounds you’ll hear most frequently, though, are snakes hissing or rattling through leaves (which generates a sound even when there isn’t any actual chirping).

How to tell if a snake is poisonous by pose

7. Snake pose

Snakes that are not venomous will flee when threatened, but venomous snakes will slowly creep away. The poisonous snake may also assume the posture of an attacker by curling up its body, erecting its head, enlarging its body, baring its teeth, howling menacingly, and charging at the foe. It will protrude to threaten the adversary if it is a King cobra. Non-venomous water snakes only float their heads and bodies beneath the surface of the water, whereas deadly snakes frequently swim in a full-body floating position.

How to tell if a snake is poisonous? The posture of preparing to attack of poisonous snakes is very aggressive, so you need to stay away and quickly.

8. Snake’s fangs and bites

A snake will threaten you by opening its mouth and trying to bite you. Look at its teeth; if you notice hook or pipe teeth (you just need to be aware that the two larger teeth stand out from the rest), the snake is toxic. If you have been bitten, examine the bite; if it has huge teeth marks (fangs), it was likely caused by a poisonous snake. There are only two rows of small teeth in a non-venomous snake’s bite.

What are the signs of a venomous snake bite?

What are the signs of a venomous snake bite?

Venomous snakes are deadly snakes that frequently result in instant reactions or symptoms that last for a few hours, such as a stiff mouth, clouded eyesight, stagnant mucus, and blood vomiting. Two canine marks, each about 5mm apart, as well as some minor tooth marks may be visible on the wound.

Among the signs of a poisonous snake bite are:

  • Bites that hurt;
  • There is bruising, redness, and swelling at the bite site that is spreading outward;
  • Vomiting after feeling sick;
  • Diarrhea may occur.
  • Lumps of itchiness on the skin (rash or hives);
  • Swollen gums, lips, and tongue;
  • Wheeze or shortness of breath like asthma;
  • Mental confusion, fainting, or dizziness;
  • Unsteady heartbeat
  • More …

What to do if bitten by a venomous snake?

The victim’s family must submit information in order for the doctor to identify which sort of venomous snake bite it is because each type of snakebite has distinct features. To properly administer first aid to a person bitten by a venomous snake, information about the location of the snake bite and the characteristics of the snake (if seen) is essential.

First, it must be established that determining the type of poisonous snake that bit the sufferer is crucial to the course of treatment. When the type of venomous snake bite is identified, the appropriate protocol is followed for treatment (because each type of snake has different venom, the treatment is different). Treatment for the “suspected” snake type will take significantly longer than using the proper anti-venom serum.

As a result, if the victim is not apprehended after being bitten by a snake, they should try to observe the snake. Pay close attention to the snake’s color, length, and the ears on either side of it. Because the snake’s head is the greatest area to recognize it, avoid crushing it when catching snakes.

Frequently, a bite will show signs of a snake bite, such as snake tooth marks. After being bitten for one to two hours, the wound swells up quickly, and the pain and swelling spread. There is a significant bruise around the bite (caused by necrosis from snake venom)… It would be extremely risky to wait until the aforementioned symptoms develop before administering first aid.

Therefore, even if we don’t know what kind of snake bit us, we still need to treat it like a dangerous snake as soon as possible. Allowing the patient to lie quiet, restricting movement, positioning the limbs below the heart, cleaning the bite with an antiseptic solution, and taking the patient as soon as possible to the closest medical facility.


Based on the synthesis of the traits of venomous snakes and the collective experience of many individuals, the method used above to differentiate venomous snakes from non-venomous snakes. This information can be used as a guide. a comprehensive manual that explains how to spot snakes and what to do if you or someone you love gets bitten by one. I hope this material is useful to you.

Learn more:

The 5 most dangerous snakes on the planet

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